Ep 149: Redefining Our Version Of Having It All & A Money Mindset Deep Dive With Helena Grace Donald

Today me and my guest, Helena Grace Donald, are taking you on a journey. This conversation is centered around money mindset but goes so much deeper than just…money.

We also dive into:

The difference between money mindset and accessing the state of abundance.

Reprogramming our subconscious beliefs and witnessing our toxic patterns with money.

How the things we witness growing up shapes our beliefs and what we believe is possible for us around success.

We also deep dive into pivoting in the area of our business and career to be more in alignment with our Truth and my personal fav of our time together, redefining our version of “having it all.”

It’s a little smorgasbord of all the things I know are going to speak right to your soul.


Helena Grace Donald works with ambitious women to radically release their internal money blocks, fears and limiting beliefs so they can shatter their inner glass ceiling and tap into the frequency of abundance that they not only desire, they also deserve. She uses a range of tools and modalities, such as Matrix Reimprinting and EFT. She is the founder of Girl Unfiltered, the author of Learning to Love the Girl in the Mirror and the host of The Girl Unfiltered Podcast.

Helena's Instagram handle: @girl_unfiltered

Access her free money magnet meditation: https://girlunfiltered.kartra.com/page/money-magnet-meditation

Receive 20% off Helena's 5 day program, Tap Into Your Inner Rich Babe: https://girlunfiltered.kartra.com/page/tap-into-your-inner-rich-babe

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