Ā A Free Audio Training With Keri Kugler

Step insideĀ with me to learn how to buildĀ powerful coaching packages, courses, programs, and offers that your dream clients are dyyyying to jump into--and ready to pay you for!

OMG I'm in! Let's do this!

I believe as coaches and leaders our work goes so far beyond content creation, stellar branding and Instagram Reels...

Ā Of course these things have their place but when we get swept up in the hype, we forget the core truth of why we're here...

Ā To Transform.

To share our gifts, our story, our genius, and our light.


I have witnessed this light in so many women over the years.Ā 

The undeniable, inner knowing that they're meant to do this work.

The fire in their soul to build a business rooted in impact and change.

Many of them even know deep down they have powerful gifts and that they were led here for a reason.

So they take the leap. Start the business. Create the profile and start courageously putting themselves out there.

They're showing up, taking action, fine tuning their website, crafting the perfect posts...playing "the game" in the name of Instagram success.

And so easily they get distracted from the core Truth.

They forget that the shiny branding and curated feeds will never be able to touch the power of being able to powerfully, skillfully, and confidently walk another person through a transformation.

But how do we build these transformations?

How do we hone in on our unique gifts, story, and genius?

How do we communicate these transformations to our people, package them up, and powerfully speak about them?

And how do we build that confidence to be able to say, "I believe in my work. I believe in this offer and I know I'm the one who's meant to walk with you."

This is exactly what I'm going to be walking you through inside of this training.

Welcome to Women of Impact. Here's some of what you'll learn on this journey with me:

Ā How to weave your unique gifts and strengths into powerful paths of transformation for your dreamiest clients.Ā 

How to take this path and alchemize it into coaching packages, programs, and courses that impact and sell.

Clarity on the specifics of your offers: How long, what's included, and how to build offers that you love and are excited to lead.

Pricing. Ohhh pricing! One of the biggest hangups I see when it comes to offer creation. We'll be diving deep into this one!

How to find "your thing" that stands out when it comes to your offerings and body of work that will draw your people in.

How our embodiment as a leader fits into all of this (psst it's the most important part). How to begin building offerings that are steeped in leadership and a true embodied business.

I'm so excited to take this journey with you. Click below to dive in!

I'm allll the way in, Keri! ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„